Call for Submissions   •  ACHA 105th ANNUAL MEETING
New York 2025

Native American Boarding Schools & Religious Archives

A brief resource guide from Native American and Catholic archivists.

Catholic Historical Review

The CHR is the official organ of the ACHA. Members have unlimited access to the electronic version and its full archives.

ACHA News & Announcements


Grant Opportunity: St. Louis Catholic Archives Visiting Researcher Grant – Center for Research on Global Catholicism (CRGC)

Deadlines: May 1 and August 15. Two $3,000 grants are available to defray costs connected with conducting research at participating archives in St. Louis. Researchers pursuing projects that would benefit from the resources of the St. Louis Catholic Archives Collective and projects that focus on women religious are especially encouraged.


In Memoriam: Former ACHA President J. Philip Gleason

The former ACHA president and recipient of the Distinguished Scholar Award died last week at age 96. A funeral will be held on Thursday, January 25 in Notre Dame, Ind.

Calendar Deadlines & Events

There are no upcoming events at this time

Calls for Submissions

Submission opportunities from around the field of Catholic Studies. Conferences, journals, awards, and more.

Call for Submissions

Virginia Museum of History & Culture Opens Applications for Research Fellowships

The Virginia Museum of History & Culture is accepting applications for research fellowships of up to three weeks a year to promote the interpretation of Virginia and access to its collections with a weekly stipend of $1,000 and $500 for local mileage.

Application deadline:  January 27, 2023.

Call for SubmissionsNews

Call for Papers: U.S. Catholic Historian’s ‘U.S. Catholic Historiography’ Issue

Upcoming issue will examine U.S. Catholic historiography.

Submission deadline: November 1, 2022

Announcements in Catholic History

The Archivist’s Nook: Christopher J. Kauffman – American Catholic Historian

From the CUA University Libraries blog: Tricia Pyne takes a look at the life and scholarship of Christopher J. Kauffman, a giant in the field of Catholic studies, whose career spanned generations. After his death in 2018, the ACHA established an award in his honor, which is currently in the process of being endowed.

Trailer: Revolution of The Heart: The Dorothy Day Story

A new film on Dorothy Day coming to Public Television in March 2020. This film will be featured on a panel at the November meeting of the American Academy of Religion.

‘Catholic School 1960’ Chronicles Pre-Vatican II Parochial School

A website compiled by a small team of researchers documenting a Brooklyn parochial school that the authors describe as “representative of lots of parochial schools in the years just before the Second Vatican Council.”