Contact person's name* The person to whom we should direct inquiries about this panel. (In all likelihood, this is you!)
Contact person's e-mail address*
Contact person's affiliation* e.g., University of California, Los Angeles; freelance editor; Archives of the Archdiocese of New York
Panel title* A working title is acceptable.
How many participants will be presenting papers as part of your panel/roundtable?* The minimum number of presenters is 3; the maximum is 5. Do not count the chairperson or commentator.
3 4 5
Area or discipline your panel covers* Please select the general discipline your panel covers. Select the "Other" category only if your panel falls completely outside the scope of the categories listed.
Panel summary*
Are you proposing this as a joint panel?* We welcome presenters giving joint papers with the American Historical Association (AHA) or with other affiliated societies.
Please specify the affiliated society.*
Limited availability of A/V equipment
Due to A/V rental costs imposed by conference venues, which have reached unsustainable levels in recent years, the use of A/V will only be possible for a small number of selected panels. Panelists who want to incorporate A/V into their presentations are strongly advised to submit their panel for co-sponsorship by the AHA.
“Co-sponsorship” changes very little about a panel, except that the application deadline is earlier (Feb. 15). To submit your panel for AHA co-sponsorship, please select the "Joint panel" option on this form and submit your panel to the AHA on its website.
For A/V requests to the ACHA, please provide a short explanation of why full-scale A/V is essential to your panel. Please note that, even for panels without projector capacity, it is possible to share media with an audience by using a QR code or similar. All applications for A/V will be reviewed by the Program Committee.
Request for A/V equipment Why are you requesting the A/V equipment?*
Presentation policy* All those appearing on the ACHA program must be members of the ACHA, although membership is not required to submit a proposal. In addition, all presenters must be registered for the AHA annual conference.
Chairperson Please provide a few details about the panel chairperson.
Panel chairperson: Name* Please list name as it should appear in our program.
Panel chairperson: E-mail address*
Panel chairperson: Affiliation* e.g., University of California, Los Angeles; freelance editor; Archives of the Archdiocese of New York
Panel chairperson: C.V.* Please upload CV in PDF or DOC format. One page maximum.
Commentator If you are proposing a panel with a commentator, please provide his or her information.
Will your presentation have a commentator?* Panels generally have commentators; roundtables do not.
Panel commentator: Name* Please list name as it should appear in our program.
Panel commentator: E-mail address*
Panel commentator: Affiliation* e.g., University of California, Los Angeles; freelance editor; Archives of the Archdiocese of New York
Panel commentator: C.V.* Please upload CV in PDF or DOC format. One page maximum.
Author #1 Please tell us about the first paper presenter.
Author #1: Name* The author's name as it should appear in our program. Include titles, initials, suffixes, etc., if desired. CO-AUTHORED PAPERS: If a submission is written by more than one author, list each author in the order that he/she should be credited.
Author #1: E-mail*
Author #1: Affiliation* e.g., University of California, Los Angeles; freelance editor; Archives of the Archdiocese of New York
Author #1: Paper title* A working title is acceptable.
Author #1: Paper prospectus* Please paste a brief (250 words maximum) summary of your paper. Our system will not accept summaries more than 250 words.
Author #1: C.V.* Please upload CV in PDF or DOC format. One page maximum.
Author #2 Please tell us about the second paper presenter.
Author #2: Name* The author's name as it should appear in our program. Include titles, initials, suffixes, etc., if desired. CO-AUTHORED PAPERS: If a submission is written by more than one author, list each author in the order that he/she should be credited.
Author #2: E-mail*
Author #2: Affiliation* e.g., University of California, Los Angeles; freelance editor; Archives of the Archdiocese of New York
Author #2: Paper title* A working title is acceptable.
Author #2: Paper prospectus* Please paste a brief (250 words maximum) summary of your paper. Our system will not accept summaries more than 250 words.
Author #2: C.V.* Please upload your CV in PDF or DOC format. One page maximum.
Author #3 Please tell us about the third paper presenter.
Author #3: Name* The author's name as it should appear in our program. Include titles, initials, suffixes, etc., if desired. CO-AUTHORED PAPERS: If a submission is written by more than one author, list each author in the order that he/she should be credited.
Author #3: E-mail*
Author #3: Affiliation* e.g., University of California, Los Angeles; freelance editor; Archives of the Archdiocese of New York
Author #3: Paper title* A working title is acceptable.
Author #3: Paper prospectus* Please paste a brief (250 words maximum) summary of your paper. Our system will not accept summaries more than 250 words.
Author #3: C.V.* Please upload CV in PDF or DOC format. One page maximum.
Author #4 Please tell us about the fourth paper presenter.
(Don't have a fourth paper presenter? Make sure you selected the correct number of participants at the top of this form.)
Author #4: Name* The author's name as it should appear in our program. Include titles, initials, suffixes, etc., if desired. CO-AUTHORED PAPERS: If a submission is written by more than one author, list each author in the order that he/she should be credited.
Author #4: E-mail*
Author #4: Affiliation* e.g., University of California, Los Angeles; freelance editor; Archives of the Archdiocese of New York
Author #4: Paper title* A working title is acceptable.
Author #4: Paper prospectus* Please paste a brief (250 words maximum) summary of your paper. Our system will not accept summaries more than 250 words.
Author #4: C.V.* Please upload CV in PDF or DOC format. One page maximum.
Author #5 Please tell us about the fifth paper presenter.
(Don't have a fifth paper presenter? Make sure you selected the correct number of participants at the top of this form.)
Author #5: Name* The author's name as it should appear in our program. Include titles, initials, suffixes, etc., if desired. CO-AUTHORED PAPERS: If a submission is written by more than one author, list each author in the order that he/she should be credited.
Author #5: E-mail*
Author #5: Affiliation* e.g., University of California, Los Angeles; freelance editor; Archives of the Archdiocese of New York
Author #5: Paper title* A working title is acceptable.
Author #5: Paper prospectus* Please paste a brief (250 words maximum) summary of your paper. Our system will not accept summaries more than 250 words.
Author #5: C.V.* Please upload CV in PDF or DOC format. One page maximum.