Call for Submissions   •  ACHA 106th ANNUAL MEETING
Chicago 2026
Call for Submissions
Submission deadlines:
  • Regular ACHA papers and panels: March 15, 2025
  • Joint AHA-ACHA panels: February 15, 2025

The American Catholic Historical Association invites submissions on any topic relevant to the study of Catholicism for its annual meeting in Chicago, January 8-10, 2026.

The ACHA is delighted to be gathering once more in Chicago, “city of the big shoulders,” national crossroads, storied hub of immigration and industrialization, with a rich history of social Catholicism.

We are especially hopeful to receive individual paper and panel submissions focused on the following topics:

  • Catholic communities with distinctive histories in Chicago, including Eastern European, Mexican, and Black Catholics
  • Regional Catholicisms in proximity to Chicago, such as Midwestern, Great Lakes, and Great Plains
  • Social Catholicism, particularly related to labor activism, the CYO, and charitable organizations
  • Catholicism and universities, especially in view of local institutions such as Loyola University of Chicago, Depaul University, Notre Dame, and the University of Chicago
  • Catholicism as practiced by the Native tribes of the Upper Midwest and the Great Plains
  • Antiquity, Medieval, and pre-modern Catholicism

We invite proposals that depart from the traditional paper session format, including roundtables, book discussions, and site visits. Submissions that demonstrate disciplinary and/or methodological diversity—including panels composed of scholars outside the field of history who understand history as relevant to their discipline—are especially welcome.

We strongly seek out panels that include diverse participants and reflect generational diversity, as well as participants in various career paths and of various ranks (including graduate students, contingent faculty, public historians, curators, librarians and archivists, independent scholars, and those employed outside the traditional academy).

To encourage making connections before the proposal deadlines, consider connecting with others interested in the ACHA conference via this Google Sheet. The program committee will monitor the spreadsheet and encourages sharing ideas in this way to build out panel proposals.

Find collaborators on our community Google Sheet

Continuing a successful effort started last year, we are again encouraging participants to make connections with other ACHA members using our  Google Sheet. Here you can share information about your paper or panel with others interested in the ACHA conference.

The program committee will monitor the spreadsheet and encourages contact between members and sharing of ideas to build out panel proposals.

Please keep in mind

To ensure the broadest possible participation in the ACHA annual meeting, we ask that participants limit themselves to taking a role in any capacity in no more than two proposed sessions during the conference.

Joint AHA-ACHA Panels

The ACHA encourages panelists to submit their proposals for co-sponsorship with the American Historical Association. This year’s AHA deadline is February 15. The ACHA will continue to accept paper and panel proposals until March 15.

Please note that the AHA’s deadline is considerably earlier than the ACHA’s submission deadline.

Directions for submitting an AHA panel can be found on the AHA website. If you are proposing a joint panel, please submit your proposal to the AHA as well as to the ACHA. You may also wish to explore a joint panel with one of the AHA affiliated societies.