The American Catholic Historical Association is pleased to announced the recipients of its annual distinguished awards for scholarship, teaching and service. This year’s awardees will be honored at the presidential luncheon to be held on Saturday, January 5, 2013, at Antoine’s Restaurant in New Orleans.

Marvin O’Connell
Professor emeritus of History, University of Notre Dame, for the Distinguished Achievement Award for Scholarship
The American Catholic Historical Association’s Distinguished Achievement Award for Scholarship will be bestowed on that scholar who, in the opinion of the committee making the selection, has during a long career made a significant impact on the understanding of Catholic history. The award is not for one book or any single piece of scholarship, but for a sustained series of contributions which have fundamentally animated the research of others besides being significant in their own right.

Cyprian Davis, O.S.B.
Professor emeritus of Church History, St. Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology, for the Distinguished Teaching Award
The American Catholic Historical Association will present a Distinguished Teaching Award annually to a college or university professor who has demonstrated a high commitment to teaching beyond the expected requirements of their position and through their influence and skill have promoted Catholic studies from one generation of scholars to another. Through this award the ACHA recognizes the importance of creative and effective teaching in the growth of Catholic studies.

Norman C. Francis
President, Xavier University of Louisiana, for Distinguished Service to Catholic Studies
The American Catholic Historical Associations Award for Service to Catholic studies acknowledges the exceptional contributions of those who “promote study and research of the history of Catholicism broadly conceived” apart from teaching and publication. The term “service” may include any and all of the following, but are not restricted to them: service to the Association, archival management, museum displays that advance public knowledge of Catholic history, media and other activities that promote the role and place of Catholic studies to a wide audience.
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