Chicago Recap: Report and Photos From the Annual Meeting

This has been an eventful and well attended annual conference with over 150 individuals registered. With 30 panels, some 90 papers were presented as well as Roundtable discussions took place.

At this Convention several Constitutional changes were decided. The Executive Council unanimously approved these changes during their Thursday’s meeting. (Update: the revised Constitution has now been posted to On Friday, after discussion, the general membership of the Association approved the changes during the annual Business meeting. One change concerns the manner in which membership is tabulated. Only members in good standing will be included in all official statistics. Another new development is the creation of a new committee to handle all aspects of ACHA elections. An Elections Board (EB) goes into effect this year, comprised of a Convener of the Board and four Elections Officials. All are elected positions. The EB will oversee the vetting and nominating process as well as conducting and verifying the annual ACHA elections. Una Cadegan will serve as Convener and Chair of this new committee. And finally, the Association has a new election cycle. Elections will be held on-line during the month of September.

R. Bentley Anderson, S.J.
Executive Secretary-Treasurer

Photo gallery

President Larissa Taylor with Matthew Cressler, John Tracy Ellis dissertation winner, and Katherine Osborne and Peter Baltutis, presidential travel award recipients

President Larissa Taylor with (left to right) Matthew Cressler, John Tracy Ellis dissertation winner, and Katherine Osborne and Peter Baltutis, presidential travel award recipients
President Larissa Taylor with Ulrich Lehner winner of the John Gilmary Shea book prize award, and Stefania Tutino, winner of the Howard R. Marraro prize

President Larissa Taylor with Ulrich Lehner winner of the John Gilmary Shea book prize award, and Stefania Tutino, winner of the Howard R. Marraro Prize
President Larissa Taylor with all the Distinguished Award recipients (Jac Treanor, Angie Dries, Larissa Taylor, and John O’Malley)

President Larissa Taylor with all the Distinguished Award recipients (Jac Treanor, Angie Dries, Larissa Taylor, and John O’Malley)
Larissa Taylor and John O'Malley

Larissa Taylor and John O’Malley
Larissa Taylor with Angie Dries

Larissa Taylor with Angie Dries
Larissa Taylor and Jac Treanor

Larissa Taylor and Jac Treanor

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